This is not just "water cooler" talk...
5 ways to stay healthy at the office:
Get Up and Move. We know you’re working hard behind your computer screen, but you’re also staying still. Sedentary lifestyles can lead to joint problems and a slower metabolism. In fact it's now thought that a sedentary lifestyle is as damaging as smoking!!! Set times during the day to take breaks and walk around. Set alerts on your computer or smart phone to remind you!! Go outside, stretch, and get some Vitamin D. Not only will you burn a few extra calories, but you will give your joints and muscles relief, as well.
Pack Your Lunch. Save money and calories! The pennies and pounds add up when you make a habit of choosing the fast choice over the wise choice. Show up to work prepared and avoid having to order in or eat out. Pack a lunch consisting of healthy, nutrient rich foods. Try preparing all of your lunches at the start of the week. Or put your left overs in containers you will slip into your bag, from dinner the night before. This will save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars over time and be soooo much healthier for you.
This is good advice whether you are at the office or out running "errands" for hours at a time...take nutrient dense survival food with you! And don't forget to include filtered water!!
Pack your bag. Squeeze in some exercise before or after you work! Pack your work clothes and hit the gym before work or pack your athletic gear and hit the gym after work! Taking your gear with you will be a physical reminder that you made a commitment at the start of the day! Or carry around your walking shoes & socks, so you can slip them on & go for a walk for a few minutes. Whether it's in a park or in a mall...go for 15 or 20 minute "power walk" and feel a surge of energy for the rest of the day!
Leave your cash at home. Stressed with a big project? Chocolate would help. That gigantic candy bar in the vending machine would really hit the spot… STOP. Your mind is playing tricks on you. It might be yummy but you will not enjoy that sugar crash later. Leave your cash at home so that you never concede to the songs of the vending machine even in your weakest moments! Or keep a bar of dark chocolate, (I love the Lindt 90% cacao), stashed in your office drawer for "emergencies"! :-) A LOT cheaper and better for you than the "machine".
Just remember to limit yourself to a square or two!!! If you can't "control your chocolate consumption once you start, just bring 2 squares in your lunch.
Contribute. Offices are breeding grounds for the yummiest What-NOT-to-Eat(EVER) foods. Birthdays, anniversaries, or any other cause for celebration will, without doubt, be graced with everyone’s favorite and best recipes. The dishes are delicious and we appreciate the effort, but indulgence has a limit. Avoid these situations and help your fellows out by bringing in healthy crowd pleasers like veggies or guacamole, when it's "your turn".
And keep the candy dish off your desk!!!
Hope these tips help you on your journey!
What other tips do you do to incorporate healthy habits into a busy schedule?
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