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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Stressin? How to Reduce It!

Stress - Is It Just Me?

The answer plain and simple is, NO! Speaking as a Baby Boomer, today is not the yesterday we grew up in. As a child we had a "land line" telephone. It was connected to the wall, not our hips. If the phone rang and we were home we answered it. If it rang and we weren't home.... we didn't answer it! And the world kept spinning.

Not anymore! If we can't get someone to answer the phone, we leave voice messages over and over , mindlessly thinking they can "hear it". If that doesn't work, we text, email, Tweet, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin. Most people don't even bother to call people, they have "conversations" by text. Everyone is expected to be available to anyone, 24/7. All of which is considered "normal". Communication technology has changed our lives forever. Faster, more efficient, yet dehumanizing on many levels. This alone can cause tremendous stress in the lives of people.

Add to that the reams of news & current events information we are bombarded with daily and expected to have read or be familiar with in order to be "with it". It's mind boggling really. However, I was listening to the news the other day and it stated that a majority of folks don't listen to or watch the news anymore. Many people view it as too stressful.

Just these two factors, the ever changing communication technologies and ever changing current world or local events, can be overwhelming. Let alone caring for family, working for an employer, taking care of endless "paperwork" and paying bills. So what's a person to do to de-stress?

Coping with Stress

Stress is inevitable. There ARE ways to minimize and avoid the amount of it in our lives. (more found in the article Coping and Relieving Stress)

  • Manage time and prioritize - make a to do list the night before
  • Make necessary adjustments - Example: Turn off phone when doing paperwork, reading or studying. Keep it off or out of your bedroom at night. You can always return calls / text in the morning! Seriously!
  • Take care of yourself- physically, mentally and emotionally. - Exercise is a great stress reducer! Even just spurts of 5 to 10 minutes throughout the day! Turn on the music & dance!
  • Think about how you think about things, and make necessary adjustments to stop the "negative talk" in your head. "Today is a great day to be a great day"!
  • Avoid burnout - don't be a workaholic - no one on their death bed ever wished they had worked more overtime!
  • Use your support system - a friend, spouse, parent. Whoever you trust. 
  • Express yourself as being grateful - for whatever you have - be grateful - because so many don't have what you're grateful for. 
  • Have Goals - a dream with a deadline. Decide them and work toward them.
  • Become an effective problem solver - find a solution: good, better or best. Pick one that is doable and move on.
  • Reduce the amount of "news" you listen to or watch. If you watch Friday evening news, its usually a summary of what happened during the week. 
  • Downtime - Just chill for a few minutes every day. Doing something that makes you feel positive and alive. 
(Personally I read the Bible daily. It's an amazing book that becomes a "new book" every time I read it, based on what I'm going through in my life at the time. It gives me strength, comfort, joy and true reflection of our purpose on this earth. It's my "GPS" in life, a true compass)

Regardless of your circumstances in life, there are easy, inexpensive, positive ways to deal with stress. Your stress may be temporary, or ongoing, but either way YOU can learn to  manage it and gain control of your life!

How do you cope with stressors? Would love to hear any practical suggestions you may have!

Helping YOU to Select The Best Health,


P.S.All this talk about stress is stessin me...I'm gonna go turn some music on & dance a few minutes now! LOL