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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Good Bugs vs. Bad Bugs

There's a War Going On Inside you! 

Good Bugs vs. Bad Bugs:

Your body is a bacterial battlefield. As with a true battle, there may be lots of different types of good guys and lots of different types of bad guys. These "bugs" known as "bacteria" exist primarily in the gut. The good bacteria, known as probiotics, are live bacteria that have a multitude of health benefits. Among other things they help get things "moving along" in the digestive tract!

Think about the root meaning of the very word,  probiotic - "pro" = for and "biotic" = pertaining to life - probiotics = for life! Much better than the meaning of antibiotic - "anti" - against and "biotic" pertaining to life, against life! So which bacteria would you rather have on your team?

Don't get me wrong there is a rare time & place for antibiotics. However our society has been inundated with antibiotics to the point of "overkill" - (no pun intended). Antibiotics have been handed out like candy to cure what ails you.

Antibiotics are found in meats, eggs and milk. And if you think you're safe with organic fruits and veggies, think again! It has been reported that organic apples and pears are treated with antibiotics! The overdosing of antibiotics has become toxic

Is it any wonder we have deadly "super bugs" that are resistant to antibiotics!!!

Probiotics - The "Good Guys":

As probiotics gain scientific acceptance, many doctors are recommending supplementing with probiotics.  Just eating things like cultured yogurt and kefir can help. (I make my own Greek yogurt & kefir. We'll save that for another blog :-) However, heat, including body heat, can damage the culture / probiotics. Killing off much of the good bacteria you consume. And your body needs multiple types of probiotics or strains. 

Diversity of strains, total bacterial count and protection of the probiotics are key elements in a powerful probiotic product. The digestive tract is home to 400-500 different types of microbes. These microbes include both healthy bacteria (probiotics) and potentially unhealthy bacteria. Maintaining optimal digestive and immune health depends in large part on maintaining optimal bacterial balance within the digestive tract. With such tremendous diversity naturally present in the digestive tract, it is important to supplement with not just one strain, but numerous strains of probiotics, so that the most comprehensive benefit is received.

But not all probiotics are created equally. The FDA doesn't regulate most probiotics the way it does drugs. Many products on the market may deliver a high total probiotic count, but they are only coming from one or two strains. 

Your Good Guys Team:

NutriClean® Probiotics
NutriClean Probiotics delivers 10 billion CFUs from 10 different strains with patented LiveBac® and Bio-tract® technologies to help keep the probiotics viable during both bottling and throughout the digestive process.*

Each strain has a unique purpose and the strains work synergistically to support numerous areas of health from immunity to stomach comfort and bowel regularity. Your body is a bacterial battlefield. As with a true battle, there may be lots of different types of good guys and lots of different types of bad guys.

“The Good Guys Team” (NutriClean Probiotics) are 10 carefully selected bacterial strains – six lactobacilli strains and four bifidobacterium strains – each with a unique role to help your body maintain bacterial balance and optimal digestive health.

*NutriClean Probiotics are processed with 2 patented technologies - LiveBac® & BIO-tract®. Protecting the live bacteria from heat, so that they are shelf stable. The technology also insures releasing only certain parts of the formula in the small intestine and other parts in the large intestine. Exactly where they are needed!

Who's on your GI "Team"? What do you do to amp up your probiotics to fight the "bad guys"? 

Helping You Select The Best Health,


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