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Friday, March 27, 2015

Running vs Walking

Running or Walking:

It's warming up and most are getting that urge to get outdoors. Many folks are brandishing their new foot gear and headed out for some form of exercise.

I have started going to a park several times a week for 20 -30 minutes. I am a people watcher behind my sunglasses. I see some people that have hibernated all winter and are now huffing and puffing, extremely out of shape and struggling to jog. I'm very fearful I may be obliged to perform CPR on them.  Others, who have been "die hard" runners all winter long, are sprinting effortlessly. And then there's some people like me, feeling a bit guilty and just taking a brisk walk.

But should there be any guilt in "just walking"? Many faithful, almost addicted runners, would tell you it's pointless to walk.  Should you run or walk? Well, in "medical terms", "it depends".

It Depends:

There is no doubt there are benefits to both running and walking. Either way you're moving your mass, and that is really what it's all about. A sedentary lifestyle is now dubbed more dangerous to our health than SMOKING!! So just getting up and moving a few minutes several times a day is advantageous.

With running, you get your heart rate up. You expend a LOT more energy than walking, which burns a lot more calories. The jury is out about damaging your joints and  pounding the pavement. I personally know a couple of people that are running "addicts" and have suffered a LOT with knee and leg injuries. It seems the better shape you're in, meaning muscle mass, the better your body will be equipped to withstand the impact of a run.

Walking on the other hand has tremendous benefits and gives a lot of "bang for the buck".
Just 20-30 minutes a day or even 3 times a week can be a huge health benefit.

Reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. ...
It lowers disease risk. ...
It keeps weight in check. ...
Can help prevent dementia. ...
Can help prevent osteoporosis.
It tones your legs, and torso
It boosts your vitamin D levels
To mention just a few benefits.

I just invested in a new "gym membership" - some new walking shoes with yoga mat material inside of them! Like walking on marshmallows

So whether you choose to go for a walk or go for a run,  just MOVE YOUR MASS!!!

Helping YOU to Select The Best Health,


Friday, March 20, 2015

Clean - Green - Non Toxic - Cheap!

Spring Is In The Air - Clean It!

Here in South Texas you can tell Spring has Sprung by the yellowish green pine pollen that dusts everything for about 2 weeks! Aside from indicating Spring is here, the pollen causes a plethora of side effects. From  coating cars to blowing into homes from raised windows, this stuff is a mess. Not to mention the allergies that people experience from the onset of the fine dust falling.

We all know that "Spring Cleaning" is a great time to rid the house of musty smells from winter. Our homes can be a fertile breeding ground for toxic stuff. So changing air filters, shaking out and washing throw rugs, sweeping and vacuuming dust bunnies with a new vac. bag is a start.

Clean with Chemicals?

How about those heavy duty cleaners to mop and scrub with? Do we  really need to add more toxins to the cleaning process?? Aren't we trying to rid the house of toxins? Bleach for instance seems to be a "main stay" for a lot of people. Yet the chlorine fumes are so toxic they have actually been used in chemical warfare!!!

Bleach can release chlorine gas and cause damage to the respiratory system. I've know a couple of people that had to be hospitalized using bleach combining with other cleaners! It can cause choking, chest pains, coughing, eye irritation, the list goes on and on.

Some of the top 10 most toxic things used you may have already guessed. Things like ammonia, oven cleaners and drain cleaners. But how about air freshers & anti bacterial cleaners, bad stuff!


We probably can't get away from every chemical in our household, but we can greatly reduce & replace them with about 2 -4 products.

  • Baking Soda- Natural abrasive & natural whitener. 100% non toxic. Won't hurt septic systems. And it's CHEAP!! Get a 5 pound bag at your big box stores for pennies on the dollar compared to other cleaners.

  • White Vinegar -  Disinfectant & natural whitener. 100% non toxic. At a about $3 a gallon, it's CHEAP!!!

  • Lemon juice - Natural whitener and disinfectant. 100% non toxic Can buy a huge bottle of "real lemon" and keep in the fridge if you can't get fresh lemons. I personally like to get lemons on sale, squeeze them and pour the juice into ice cube trays. Each frozen cube is about a TBLS of lemon juice. 

  • Grapefruit Seed EXTRACT - GSE - this is a miracle ingredient. Natural disinfectant. I add about 10-13 drops of this into my DIY Veggie spray, it kills all the "yuck" on fresh fruits and veggies from the store. I also spray my DIY "veggie wash" in the kitchen sink as a natural disinfectant.(Watch for DIY Veggie Spray recipe on a future blog)


Snap™ All-Purpose Natural Concentrate
Natural Soap I've used for years!
DIY Toilet bowl & bathroom cleaner: Put white vinegar into a spray bottle & baking soda into a large salt shaker. Flush toilet, spray toilet bowl inside with white vinegar, shake the baking soda on it, walk a way for an hour or the rest of the day. (I pour about a TLBS or hydrogen peroxide into the bowl water to further whiten it & about a TBLS of liquid natural soap before I walk away) Wisk the bowl. Spray a cloth with white vinegar and wipe down the lid, then the seat. Voila! Clean, no chemicals!!!

Before I walk out of the bathroom, I also spray the sink with vinegar, dust it with a good coating of baking soda. I use an old bath "puff" to clean the sink out, add a drop or two of natural soap, if you want a few "suds" to feel like it's a "cleaner".

Shower - Best trick ever is buy a squeegee for the shower & hang it in there!! After taking every shower, simply squeegee the shower walls, you will never have water stains or mildew to contend with. Takes 2 or 3 minutes, rather than laboring for 2 or 3 hours down the road. ALWAYS looks great!. Once a week, you got it, spray white vinegar & dust the shower floor or tub with baking soda - you're DIY "soft scrub". Again I use an old shower puff and scrub the tub, rinse and you're done!


Snap™ Free & Clear Laundry Detergent
ECO Friendly- FREE & Clear Laundry
I stopped using bleach or bleach related products. When I want to "boost" my whites, I add a 1/4 cup baking soda, and half cup white vinegar. If they're really dirty, I'll add a few TBLS of hydrogen peroxided. I use a natural laundry soap that is chemical and dye free. My whites are white and zero harmful chemicals.

You can "pre-treat" tough stains with a paste of soda, vinegar & peroxide. Of course not on delicate fabrics.


White vinegar and old news papers, will give you crystal clean windows minus the "lint".

Cheap Plumber

Before you call the Plumber for a backed up sink or toilet, use a cup of baking soda, a cup of vinegar and 2 cups of boiling water, pour down the drain or toilet and listen to the "action". It's like a science experiment! When the soda and vinegar "collide, it causes a volcanic like action, that can "move" the worst of clogs.

These few ingredients, most from your kitchen cabinet, can save you hundreds of dollars in cleaning. Better yet, they will keep you and your family healthier!

What's your Green Cleaning Tip???

Helping You to Select The Best Health,


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Crazy for Coconut

Crazy for Coconut?

You'd be crazy not to be! Who knew the humble coconut could contain an apothecary of wellness beneath that bowling ball shell?

As a kid I always loved the taste of a candy bar that was loaded with coconut and smothered with a dark chocolate covering. In the past few years I've "discovered" coconut oil and the rich buttery taste is very much what I remember the candy tasting like. Imagine that something that is delicious is GOOD FOR YOU!! 

There's nothing "new under the sun". Fact is coconuts have been utilized by many civilizations. A few years ago I met a lady from Jamaica. In her beautiful Jamaican accent, she explained that everyone drinks coconut water and no one has high blood pressure on the island!

Well I don't know about "no one" having high blood pressure, but I do know the more I research coconut the more I adore it. I almost don't want to list the benefits and let the "secrets out", for fear there won't be enough on the shelves. However there is an avalanche of studies and great information supporting the use of coconut.

Coconut Water Benefits:
COCO LIBRE - Coconut Water, Pure Organic (Pack of 12)There are myriads of benefits. Coconut water (not to be confused with coconut milk or cream) is powerfully hydrating, full of electrolytes. Great to use on a hot day, without the dyes & sugar the "sports drinks" have. Downing it straight from the container is my favorite way. I have also used it in smoothies, with lime, a few drops of stevia and ice. Very refreshing! Drinking it when ill is a good idea, as many illnesses with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydrate.

Coconut water is a tremendous tool in optimizing blood pressure. There have been a few occasions when my blood pressure was up, due to stressful situations. I don't know about other folks, but on the rare occasion this has happened, I can literally feel my blood pressure going up. After drinking about 1/4 cup of coconut water, within 15 minutes, I could literally "feel" it going down. Coconut water is loaded with potassium and can help calm the entire central nervous system when things get hectic. People who have a history of high blood pressure, like my Father, drink it daily and it can help to optimize blood pressure.

Tip: Make sure you are buying a pure 100% coconut water, with no added sugars, dyes, chemicals.

Coconut Oil Benefits:

Spectrum Naturals: Organic Coconut Oil, 14 Fl OzThe list continues for coconut oil. Used in beauty products for years, it now has come to light, that only a small dab of the luxurious oil and the whole body can be glistening. Topically it's wonderful for the skin, but internally is where it really works its magic!

Coconut oil has anti bacterial, anti viral properties and kills off some fungi. I had the "crud" recently and gargled the stuff for a few minutes, holding it in the back of my throat and it almost immediately brought relief to my sore throat.

It's a medium chain fatty acid, so that when ingested can result in more energy throughout the day!!!

I use organic coconut oil to cook with, as it can take "high heat" and not become toxic as other oils. You can now buy "unflavored" coconut oil, if you don't like the taste of coconut in your savory dish.
I use it to bake with as well. (have to melt it a little before adding it to recipes, as it is tends to be hard at room temp.)

I put a tsp on my toast! Yumm! Add a WOW factor to air popped popping corn. Tossed with melted coconut oil and salt, it's finger licking good! And I have just discovered, dropping a bit in my hot tea or coffee is absolutely delicious!

I haven't bathed in it....yet! Hmmmm That's an idea!

Tip: Just put the container of coconut oil in your pantry. No need to refrigerate.

Coconut Flour

Let'S Do...Organics Coconut Flour 16 Oz -Pack of 6Wait, there's more! Coconut Flour is glutten free and is low glycemic. I'm all over the "low glycemic" part. This means it won't impact blood sugar in the negative way that flour does. Coconut flour is "low carb" and high in fiber and protein! Coconut flour turns a baked item into a "legal" treat as it won't spike the blood sugar. Consume flour enough along with a high glycemic card diet and it can lead to metabolic syndrome, which leads to type 2 diabetes.

I just found a great deal at Sam's Club - 5 lb. organic coconut flour for less than $10.00!!!

Tip: when you bake with organic coconut flour, you must add extra eggs and liquid to achieve a bakery type dessert.

Coconut Sugar
MADHAVA HONEY - Sugar, Coconut, Organic (Pack of 6)
Let's sweeten the deal! Coconut Sugar is also, you guessed it, low glycemic. It can be used as a complete sugar replacement, 1 to 1 ratio. If a recipe calls for a cup of sugar, then use a cup of coconut sugar. It looks lot like brown sugar and gives a caramel color and bit of caramel taste to whatever you bake.

Tip: Coconut sugar does have about the same amount of calories as refined sugar. If you're looking for something that's low or no calorie look to other low glycemic sweeteners like stevia instead.

Coconut Milk

I love this stuff! I get the "unsweetened" in a carton and use it in smoothies, it really gives a milk shake consistency.

Tip: Just make sure you really shake it every time you use it, as a lot of the good stuff settles at the bottom.

Whipped Coconut Cream

A high quality coconut cream, left upside down in the fridge and dump into a cold mixing bowl, will whip right up with a hand mixer into a beautiful whipped cream! Add a little vanilla and stevia and voila'! You have a healthy alternative to whipped cream.

Tip: leave a couple cans upside down in the fridge for 24 hours, so the liquid will float to the top, skim it off and now you have a solid coconut cream ready to whip.

The list just goes on and on. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. But as you can see the uses for the humble coconut go way beyond flakes!

Are you a coconut connoisseur?  If so, how do you like your coconut??? Do tell in a comment below!

Helping YOU to Select The Best Health,


Friday, March 6, 2015

Know anyone with the flu? I do, me! Now what?

Know Anyone With the Flu?

My goodness I do!! When I first started working on this blog a few days ago, I had managed to dodge it, but now I have it! I spent some time surrounded by LOTS of sick people at a conference last week-end and I suppose it was inevitable. I am "nursing" myself and have been throwing everything in the "alternative medicine cabinet" at it! I hope to push the fast forward button on this and have a very short version of it. (I'll share a couple of tricks up my sleeve in a moment)

This flu season revved up early and is to be much longer than most. I know so many folks who have had it or have it now...and it just seems to "hang on and on". Which is a hallmark of this strain going around. In fact there are a couple of traits to this flu that make it really hard to shake.

First off "they" found out early in the game that this strain of influenza, flu shots do very little to protect you from it. (more about flu shots later) Second, according to BBC News,  it seems to especially target people that are either older (65 and up) or people that have a compromised immune system. And lastly, the duration can go on and on, due to the relapse rate.

This strain of flu enters very easily into the lung and can develop into pneumonia at a fast clip. I personally know a woman who is a diabetic and on kidney dialysis, She contracted the flu, likely at a dialysis session, missed a dialysis session due to illness and landed in the hospital with pneumonia 3 days later. At that point a blood clot was on the lung and she was put into a medically induced comma for a week. The family was told she likely wouldn't make it. Well long story short, she did make it, after a month of rehab and is now home with physical therapy from there.

The list of influenza battle casualties is long. I know a couple of people who contracted the flu and have been very sick with it for a month or more, with fever, laryngitis and persistent coughing. Both of the individuals have compromised immune systems, but they are not "old". Another was my ex sister-in-law who has a history of asthma and ended up in the hospital on EXTREMELY POWERFUL antibiotics...which seems all the  medical field has in their so called "arsenal". Antibiotics and steroids. That's pretty much it.

Antibiotics are greatly overused and can lead to "Super Bugs"

According to the NIH:

 "Superbugs are strains of bacteria that are resistant to several types of antibiotics. Each year these drug-resistant bacteria infect more than 2 million people nationwide and kill at least 23,000, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)" 

Should I Have Gotten the Flu Shot?

A lot of health care workers would recommend the "flu shot" at the beginning of the flu season. There are several problems with flu shots. For starters the vaccine is created before the strain of the flu is even known!!! That's a lot like throwing darts in the dark.

But even more troubling are the foreign substances and toxic combinations of chemicals and harmful additives. Unknown substances which have ingredients foreign to the human body is not the best idea. The long term consequences are not completely known, and could be worse than the flu!

So What's a Person to Do?

There are very simple but powerful ways to prevent it. Hand washing and getting plenty of sleep for starters. Taking natural immune booster supplements like vitamin c, probiotics, zinc,super antioxidants makes a lot of sense, Keeping your immune system revved up will make you much less susceptible to illness in general & especially during flu season.  However if someone sneezes in your face, there is no "S" on your chest, you are not Superhuman.

"Pull out the Big Guns" - Natural Remedies I Use 


Forget about the world around you and go to bed! No one at work thinks you're a "hero" if you come to work and infect them. You'l have a much quicker recovery with lots of rest!!!


Hydration will help you rid the body of all the mucus-
cut back on caffeine as that dehydrates you.


A natural antibiotic. I mince about a TBLS of fresh garlic and put it with a TBLS of  honey - it really doesn't taste bad with the honey.

4. Wellness Formula: 

I have been taking this product for years. It has everything and the "kitchen sink" in it. When I feel something coming on I take 3 tablets 3 times a day for a week or so. I pick it up in most health food stores.

5. Isotonix D3 with K2:
Vitamin D has multiple benefits, one of which is boosting the immune
system and lung function. I normally take 2 or 3 doses a week. However I double dose for 2 or 3         days when I feel something coming on. Isotonix D3 with K2 is best absorbed with a meal, as it is fat soluble.

This is a relatively new product for me to  utilize. With nine clinical studies that confirm Wellmune's benefits for immunity in the categories of upper respiratory health, cold and flu, allergies and immune systems compromised by exercise and stress.I have taken the Isotonix Immune off and on throughout the flu season and I KNOW it has  prevented a full blown illness. Now I'm "double dosing" with it for a few days. 

Isotonix OPC-3
7. Super Antioxidants like OPC-3 & ORAC - with antiviral properties

There's plenty of documentation and studies to confirm antioxidants are important to the immune system. There's even more evidence when it comes to OPC's. I have been taking OPC's for about 15 years now. In those years I have rarely been sick. But on that rare occasion I take a blend of OPC's & add a serving of ORAC (a blend of ORAC rich fruits, like cranberry, blueberry and elder berry a known anti viral)
I have doubled up on that as well.

7. Chicken Soup

Besides being a "comfort food" there's evidence that a nice hot bowl of steaming chicken soup just might have some healing properties. (Click here for an ABC News report on benefits of Chicken Soup) Perhaps it's the steam in the nasal passages. Or the hot liquid soothes a sore throat. Whatever it is, a clear chicken broth, with lots of garlic, veggies, some organic chicken and you have a homemade elixir to nurse you back to health. Really hits the spot.

Take My Own Medicine:

Please excuse me now as I go take my own medicine: a few doses of Isotonix,, mince some garlic and down it with honey, drink a glass of water with some Wellness Formula, have a bowl of chicken soup & head to bed...I'll be better in the morning!

Helping You to Select the Best Health,
