Crazy for Coconut?
You'd be crazy not to be! Who knew the humble coconut could contain an apothecary of wellness beneath that bowling ball shell?
As a kid I always loved the taste of a candy bar that was loaded with coconut and smothered with a dark chocolate covering. In the past few years I've "discovered" coconut oil and the rich buttery taste is very much what I remember the candy tasting like. Imagine that something that is delicious is GOOD FOR YOU!!
There's nothing "new under the sun". Fact is coconuts have been utilized by many civilizations. A few years ago I met a lady from Jamaica. In her beautiful Jamaican accent, she explained that everyone drinks coconut water and no one has high blood pressure on the island!
Well I don't know about "no one" having high blood pressure, but I do know the more I research coconut the more I adore it. I almost don't want to list the benefits and let the "secrets out", for fear there won't be enough on the shelves. However there is an avalanche of studies and great information supporting the use of coconut.
Coconut Water Benefits:
Coconut water is a tremendous tool in optimizing blood pressure. There have been a few occasions when my blood pressure was up, due to stressful situations. I don't know about other folks, but on the rare occasion this has happened, I can literally feel my blood pressure going up. After drinking about 1/4 cup of coconut water, within 15 minutes, I could literally "feel" it going down. Coconut water is loaded with potassium and can help calm the entire central nervous system when things get hectic. People who have a history of high blood pressure, like my Father, drink it daily and it can help to optimize blood pressure.
Tip: Make sure you are buying a pure 100% coconut water, with no added sugars, dyes, chemicals.
Coconut Oil Benefits:
Coconut oil has anti bacterial, anti viral properties and kills off some fungi. I had the "crud" recently and gargled the stuff for a few minutes, holding it in the back of my throat and it almost immediately brought relief to my sore throat.
It's a medium chain fatty acid, so that when ingested can result in more energy throughout the day!!!
I use organic coconut oil to cook with, as it can take "high heat" and not become toxic as other oils. You can now buy "unflavored" coconut oil, if you don't like the taste of coconut in your savory dish.
I use it to bake with as well. (have to melt it a little before adding it to recipes, as it is tends to be hard at room temp.)
I put a tsp on my toast! Yumm! Add a WOW factor to air popped popping corn. Tossed with melted coconut oil and salt, it's finger licking good! And I have just discovered, dropping a bit in my hot tea or coffee is absolutely delicious!
I haven't bathed in it....yet! Hmmmm That's an idea!
Tip: Just put the container of coconut oil in your pantry. No need to refrigerate.
Coconut Flour
I just found a great deal at Sam's Club - 5 lb. organic coconut flour for less than $10.00!!!
Tip: when you bake with organic coconut flour, you must add extra eggs and liquid to achieve a bakery type dessert.
Coconut Sugar
Let's sweeten the deal! Coconut Sugar is also, you guessed it, low glycemic. It can be used as a complete sugar replacement, 1 to 1 ratio. If a recipe calls for a cup of sugar, then use a cup of coconut sugar. It looks lot like brown sugar and gives a caramel color and bit of caramel taste to whatever you bake.
Tip: Coconut sugar does have about the same amount of calories as refined sugar. If you're looking for something that's low or no calorie look to other low glycemic sweeteners like stevia instead.
Coconut Milk
I love this stuff! I get the "unsweetened" in a carton and use it in smoothies, it really gives a milk shake consistency.
Tip: Just make sure you really shake it every time you use it, as a lot of the good stuff settles at the bottom.
Whipped Coconut Cream
A high quality coconut cream, left upside down in the fridge and dump into a cold mixing bowl, will whip right up with a hand mixer into a beautiful whipped cream! Add a little vanilla and stevia and voila'! You have a healthy alternative to whipped cream.
Tip: leave a couple cans upside down in the fridge for 24 hours, so the liquid will float to the top, skim it off and now you have a solid coconut cream ready to whip.
The list just goes on and on. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. But as you can see the uses for the humble coconut go way beyond flakes!
Are you a coconut connoisseur? If so, how do you like your coconut??? Do tell in a comment below!
Helping YOU to Select The Best Health,
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