Are You Getting "Fluffier"? There's a reason for that!
Lots of things are contributing to the "fluffy" population. In fact about 37% of the population is either morbidly obese (about 100 pounds or more over ideal weight), or obese. This is due to many factors. Poor diet choices, stress, sedentary lifestyle and even genetics play role as well.
It really sneaks up on you too! You may weigh the same as you did in high school, but you take up more space! Can't fit those favorite jeans anymore. You eat the same, as you always have, have watched as much TV as you always have and always fit in those jeans..but NOW you're getting fluffier? Huh? Over time we start to replace muscle with fat.
Imagine a couple of small paper bags, one with 5 pounds of jello in it and the other with a 5 pound rock. The jello will spread out and take up a lot of space, the rock is, well, it's a rock and doesn't "spread". Both weigh 5 pounds. Each takes on a shape totally different because of its composition. A pound of muscle is half as bulky as a pound of fat!!!
Sitting Is The New Smoking
Huffington Post had an article: Sitting is the New Smoking. A sedentary lifestyle is purported to be even more dangerous to our health than smoking now!! If you want to take up less space, you gotta "move your mass" and develop some muscle. Muscle dictates metabolism. In other other words, no muscle, no energy. The fluffier we get the weaker we get!
Problem is it takes energy to build muscle, but you have no energy, cause you have no muscle. Trust me, I KNOW how this vicious cycle works. I have never been an exercise enthusiast. However, stuff starts happening as we "mature" and I've come to terms with exercise, it is now "mandatory"....and I'm even enjoying it!
You want energy? Getting stronger is the key, rebuilding lost muscle mass, you gain youthful vitality! No matter how outta shape you are or age!!! Exercise helps every organ operate better, due to better blood flow, including our brain! Increases joint flexibility, improves posture, balance and even makes our cheeks rosier. Exercise is the ultimate anti-aging tool!So how do we get stronger? Just remember to take "baby steps", moving your mass 20 minutes a day is a great start! That could simply be a walk, then over time, a brisk walk. Then add some pilates to strengthen your "core" stability. Next add in some light weights to tone your arms and gain much needed muscle. You can find a lot of exercise routines on the internet, free. The main thing is do SOMETHING physical at least 20 minutes a day.
Healthy protein and fat choices are crucial. (we'll talk about healthy fat choices in another post) Protein "wears the pants in the family" when it comes to building muscle. When we support our body’s healthy aging, we improve our metabolism and support the elimination of toxins from our system. Another side benefit of course is to fit back into those jeans!.
HOT TIPS From Dr. Deedra Mason, ND: Something you may want to add to your fitness and health regimen.
As aging occurs, the body’s ability to build and retain muscle tissue or size is reduced, which can result in weakness and frailty. With the addition of Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s) via supplementation Research has shown promotion of muscle retention in older adults. Additionally, BCAA’s during exercise, regardless of age, support muscle protein synthesis and inhibits protein catabolism (breakdown) and muscle fatigue, therefore fighting concerns of dynapenia.
Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) are essential aminos, as they cannot be synthesized by the human body and, therefore, must be consumed orally. If your body can't make it, you must take it. Unlike other amino acids, BCAA are used primarily by skeletal muscle, and make up 30-35 percent of the muscle tissue itself. Best source is whey and pea protein. By rebuilding our muscle mass through exercise and a healthy lifestyle, including BCAA’s-we can optimize our health and our longevity.
BCAA's bypass digestion and go straight to muscle! I've personally added BCAA's to my regimen. I make an organic whey protein shake with 4.5 g. of BCAA and drink it within 20 minutes of exercise. I also take a longevity product that contains 3.5 g of BCAA's at night. Helps me sleep better & it's helping to grow muscle while I sleep! Sweet!
I've been sitting too long writing this post. Gotta go "move my mass" and build some muscle now!
Helping YOU to Select The Best Health,
What's your favorite exercise?? Do you take any supplements to boost your outcome? Please share!
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