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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cheap DIY Organic Kefir!!

What is Kefir?

Kefir is milk that has been fermented by a bacteria culture that is present in kefir grains. Kefir grains are made up of yeasts and bacteria that exist symbiotically in a community of proteins and sugars. Simply put, kefir is fermented milk with a loads of probiotics (friendly, beneficial bacteria- Good BUGS! see my previous blog: Good Bugs vs. Bad Bugs).
Kefir is packed with enzymes, folic acid, vitamins (B and K) and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. It also contains "digestible protein". The types of protein found in
kefir are not meat-based. Kefir will help in rebuilding cells, organs and systems. If you've never tried kefir you don't know what you're missing. It's delicious, almost buttermilk thick consistency, tangy and comes in many flavors. Almost like a liquid yogurt drink.
Water vs Milk Kefir
Turns out you can make kefir from water or milk! Who knew?! Kefir, specifically water-based kefir, also has lactic acids. While milk kefir grains (the more popular type of kefir) ferment milk by feeding on lactose, water kefir grains feed on sugar. If you are lactose intolerant, you can get the kefir water "grains", and add small amount of sugar-water, to ferment them. Kefir water makes a fizzy, carbonated water kefir drink, which many consider a healthy "soda" substitute. So far, I have only used the "milk" version, but want to try the water version soon!

DIY (Do It Yourself) Organic Kefir - On the CHEAP!!!

I have been "dabbling" in DIY dairy products for a while now. I first started making my own Greek yogurt, which is not that "complicated". (of course I have a friend that her eyes glaze over when I mention a stove or ingredients! LOL)  But making Greek yogurt IS much more complicated compared to making Kefir!  No cooking, temperature monitoring, stirring continuously, straining thru cheesecloth for hours. Kefir is sooooo easy to make, seriously! And very economical!

It's All About the Grains:

Kefir grains look a lot like small pieces of cauliflower, (see picture to your right), but more translucent, like tapioca. Kefir grains, are sort of like sourdough starter for bread, it's something you must have to "start" your own batch.

A friend of mine, introduced me to it by giving me some of her kefir grains. You don't need very many grains, my friend put about 3 in a ziplock bag for me to take home. She told me to go home and pour a cup of milk over them in a clean jar, cover it with paper towel & a rubber band, so it could "breathe", wait 24 hours, strain the milk from the grains & pour fresh milk over the kefir grains and you would have an endless supply of kefir each day. "Rinse & repeat" - (figure of speech, don't RINSE your grains!) . It took about a week of doing that, for me to get the hang of it & for the kefir to start tasting "right".  

{TIP: If you have a "friend" that has kefir grains, ask for some of their grains, eventually they will be multiplying so fast, they will gladly "share". If you don't have any "kefir grain friends" you can order grains on the internet. }

 I will caution you, I have read never use a metal anything (strainer or spoon) as have read it can adversely affect microorganisms. Killing the live kefir grain. Not sure if that's folklore, but just to be sure, I don't use metal. 

Become a Kefir "Pro"!  Less mess - very little clean up!

  • Buy a gallon of organic milk & start pouring 1 cup to 1 1/2 cups or so of milk over the "grains", daily. (After you have grains & milk in place, put a paper towel or coffee filter over the jar with a rubber band, so it can "breathe" while fermenting for that 24 hours. Nats love this stuff, so keep it covered!)
  • After 24 hours of sitting on the counter, room temp, give it a good stir with a long plastic spoon. 
  • Forget the colander: Easier to hold the jar with the kefir stuff up over a clean jar, and gently stir and "hunt" for the kefir grains. Once you find one, put it in the clean jar, (it's ok to have some of the kefir milk is clinging to the grain), continue until you have found the bulk of them. (The grains will start to "multiply" after a week or so. When they do, you can share some of those grains with friends) It won't hurt you to ingest them if they end up in your drink, fyi. 

{TIP: Keep empty, clean jars handy (old salsa or olive jars are fine, just so your spoon can fit down into it-  don't use the lids directly on them so your kefir doesn't end up with a "funky smell" - also as Kefir ferments, it builds up bubbles, needs air to breathe, otherwise might blow the lid off! YIKES!) Make certain jars are very clean & dry, before putting "new batch in it, with the kefir grains. (clean dry jars help prevent bad bacteria from developing in your kefir)}

  • After the kefir grains have been separated from the kefir milk, add the "kefir milk" to a glass pitcher or quart size jar, you will keep in the fridge.  Pour the newest "batch" over the previous "batches" in it, and start "building" a quart of kefir. Once I get a pitcher 1/2 full about a quart, (doesn't hurt to save up for a week or so if you want), I whirl the batch in my blender with 1/2 pound frozen strawberries and 1/2 a frozen banana, add a 1/2 dropper of liquid stevia & voila'! Delicious organic kefir for pennies on the dollar!!!! (you can drink it "plain" but I find it is far too tart for my taste:-)
                  Quick Video on Finished DIY Kefir! 

I add Organic Kefir to smoothies, drink it for breakfast, a quick snack or dessert! I LOVE that it is super easy, inexpensive & so nutritious!!!

{TIP: If you ever want to "STOP" for a while, simply pour fresh milk over the grains, sit in the fridge. Can stay there for a month, then take out, strain and pour fresh milk over the grains. Start fermentation cycle all over again. May take a week or so to "jump start" the good bacteria growth. Worth the wait!}

Do you like Kefir? What flavor do you like best? Do you have an easier way to make it? What do you use your kefir for? Would love to hear from you!

Helping YOU to Select The Best Health,



Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to Stop Mindless Munching

Seven Ways to Stop Mindless Munching: 

  • Thirsty?? Drink a glass of filtered water first to see if you just need to quench your thirst. (forget sugary drinks, sodas & yes fruit juice, full of sugar, even if "natural") Drink water, sparkling water, if you want "fizz", herbal, green, white or oolong teas, brewed, cooled and served  over ice is delicious! Sweeten with liquid stevia, just a couple drops will do it and won't' impact your blood sugar!)
  • Stop buying junk food. If you don't have it, you won't eat it! Don't keep it In your house, car, purse or at work. Keep healthy snacks with you, like a good quality protein bar (see May 27 previous blog, for DIY Protein bars)
  • Don’t eat straight out of the container/bag/bowl. Measure out your portion
  • Keep your fruit out where you can see it so when you’re hungry, it’s in your reach. (keep in mind fruit has "sugars" too, so take it easy. A couple of servings a day is all you need) There are lower glycemic fruits, such as apples and berries.
  • Don’t multi-task. When you’re eating, just focus on the food. Watching TV or talking on the phone and eating is a bad combination. Don't eat and watch.Usually we just want something in our hand, so fix a cup of tea, or pour yourself some fizzy water, with a squeeze of lemon or lime. If you must snack while watching a flick, measure out your portion, before the movie starts. During commercials, or if recorded,  "pause" get up every 20 or 30 minutes to clean the kitchen, put on a load of laundry, etc. 
  • Stop snacking when you're bored. Make a list of go-to boredom activities and stick to it.
  • Go to sleep early – late night snacking will derail all of your hard work!
Do you have a problem with snacking too much? Do you have any other tips to stop snacking?

Helping you to Select The Best Health,

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Eco & Wallet Friendly Cleaners In a SNAP!

Good For You and Your Wallet Cleaners - In a SNAP!!

Unless you make your own laundry soap, which some folks do, it's hard to come by a laundry soap good for your wallet & environment!

Personally, I love the SNAP products. They are highly concentrated, costing pennies compared to other stuff out there and good for your health and environment. I have been using them for years and love them. One mainstay is the Snap Laundry Detergent. (see below)

There is also a Snap Free & Clear Laundry Detergent, with zero dyes and fragrances.

I also love the Snap Disinfectant, (EPA Approved, hard to get this approval). And have a LOT of friends loving it too!!

Snap™ Disinfectant Cleaner
  • One bottle replaces up to 32 bottles of the leading anti-bacterial all-purpose cleaner
  • Cleans, disinfects and deodorizes
  • Concentrated cleaner, sanitizer, fungicide, virucide and mildewstat
  • Phosphate free
  • Readily biodegradable
  • Perfect for bathrooms, kitchens, hospitals, pet kennels, nursing homes, athletic/recreational facilities, food service establishments and much more!
  • EPA-registered disinfectant*

    *EPA Reg. No. 1839-95–68709; EPA Est No. 55948-NC-01

I put about a TBS. of it in a spray bottle, fill it with 8 ounces of water and voila'! A handy spray disinfectant for the kitchen, bath, etc. , for pennies! I also put a tsp. or so of Snap Disinfectant in all loads of laundry, as I use cold water to help the environment & wallet.

The washing machine can harbor a lot of bacteria and even feces (YUCK!) Instead of bleach, (very toxic to you and the environment), adding a tsp.of Snap Disinfectant in any washer will be beneficial, even more so if you have to go to a laundromat!!!

I use all the Snap products. You can even get a kit, Snap Pack, that has all the products so you can try them all out. Makes a great "housewarming" gift too!

Although no one comes in the kit to clean for you, it will help you get your cleaning done in a SNAP! Healthy for you, the environment & your wallet!!

What are your healthy cleaning tips?

Helping You to Select The Best Health,



Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Good Bugs vs. Bad Bugs

There's a War Going On Inside you! 

Good Bugs vs. Bad Bugs:

Your body is a bacterial battlefield. As with a true battle, there may be lots of different types of good guys and lots of different types of bad guys. These "bugs" known as "bacteria" exist primarily in the gut. The good bacteria, known as probiotics, are live bacteria that have a multitude of health benefits. Among other things they help get things "moving along" in the digestive tract!

Think about the root meaning of the very word,  probiotic - "pro" = for and "biotic" = pertaining to life - probiotics = for life! Much better than the meaning of antibiotic - "anti" - against and "biotic" pertaining to life, against life! So which bacteria would you rather have on your team?

Don't get me wrong there is a rare time & place for antibiotics. However our society has been inundated with antibiotics to the point of "overkill" - (no pun intended). Antibiotics have been handed out like candy to cure what ails you.

Antibiotics are found in meats, eggs and milk. And if you think you're safe with organic fruits and veggies, think again! It has been reported that organic apples and pears are treated with antibiotics! The overdosing of antibiotics has become toxic

Is it any wonder we have deadly "super bugs" that are resistant to antibiotics!!!

Probiotics - The "Good Guys":

As probiotics gain scientific acceptance, many doctors are recommending supplementing with probiotics.  Just eating things like cultured yogurt and kefir can help. (I make my own Greek yogurt & kefir. We'll save that for another blog :-) However, heat, including body heat, can damage the culture / probiotics. Killing off much of the good bacteria you consume. And your body needs multiple types of probiotics or strains. 

Diversity of strains, total bacterial count and protection of the probiotics are key elements in a powerful probiotic product. The digestive tract is home to 400-500 different types of microbes. These microbes include both healthy bacteria (probiotics) and potentially unhealthy bacteria. Maintaining optimal digestive and immune health depends in large part on maintaining optimal bacterial balance within the digestive tract. With such tremendous diversity naturally present in the digestive tract, it is important to supplement with not just one strain, but numerous strains of probiotics, so that the most comprehensive benefit is received.

But not all probiotics are created equally. The FDA doesn't regulate most probiotics the way it does drugs. Many products on the market may deliver a high total probiotic count, but they are only coming from one or two strains. 

Your Good Guys Team:

NutriClean® Probiotics
NutriClean Probiotics delivers 10 billion CFUs from 10 different strains with patented LiveBac® and Bio-tract® technologies to help keep the probiotics viable during both bottling and throughout the digestive process.*

Each strain has a unique purpose and the strains work synergistically to support numerous areas of health from immunity to stomach comfort and bowel regularity. Your body is a bacterial battlefield. As with a true battle, there may be lots of different types of good guys and lots of different types of bad guys.

“The Good Guys Team” (NutriClean Probiotics) are 10 carefully selected bacterial strains – six lactobacilli strains and four bifidobacterium strains – each with a unique role to help your body maintain bacterial balance and optimal digestive health.

*NutriClean Probiotics are processed with 2 patented technologies - LiveBac® & BIO-tract®. Protecting the live bacteria from heat, so that they are shelf stable. The technology also insures releasing only certain parts of the formula in the small intestine and other parts in the large intestine. Exactly where they are needed!

Who's on your GI "Team"? What do you do to amp up your probiotics to fight the "bad guys"? 

Helping You Select The Best Health,


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hate exercise? Me Too!

The "E" Word: 

Call it what you want, but a lot of folks do "hate exercising". (INCLUDING ME!!) The problem is, the dirty "E" word (AKA Exercise) IS "good medicine". Exercise, even a simple 10 minute brisk walk, is "good medicine".

Take a Walk:

Walking in 10-minute increments--especially walking briskly on a regular basis--improves your fitness. As you continue your walking program, your lung capacity increases, your resting heart rate may decrease and your muscles becoming stronger. Walking counts as a weight-bearing exercise because you're moving your own weight when you walk. Taking regular walks for 10 minutes helps to maintain bone density, which decreases your risk of fractures. This is a particularly valuable benefit for older women, due to their higher risk of osteoporosis.

Mood boosting benefits of exercise

Exercise increases Serotonin - the "happy" chemical in the brain. Many antidepressants work on this neurotransmitter. When serotonin levels are low, people tend to be worried, rigid and argumentative. Exercise also boosts endorphins, natural pleasure producers and pain-killers.

Find something you enjoy and do it! If you don't know where to start, walking is low impact, inexpensive & pretty easy to learn how to do! Even I can do it!! LOL

I do try to take a brisk 30-45 min walk several mornings a week, .com online class 3 or 4 times a week & lift weights a couple times a week too. Though I'm not "excited" to do it, I do it! And yes I feel better... when it's over! HA! Seriously, I really do feel better when I exercise.

And I do enjoy exercise, once I finally get in the "zone"  :-)

Do you like to exercise? Even if you don't, what exercises do you do? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Helping You Select The Best Health,



Friday, June 14, 2013

Saggy? Improve Skin - "Oral" Skincare

Beauty From The Inside Out:

There are a lot creams, lotions and potions out there to improve your skin. And I use some of them. But the bottom line is the skin is a barometer of what is going on inside of you.  Want to truly improve skin? Start from the inside.

Diet & Hydration:  

If you want beautiful skin, start with your diet. What goes in our body shows up on the outside, including skin. 

Heart Health™ Essential Omega III Fish Oil with Vitamin EFor beautiful skin we need the right:

FATS (yes we need fats), such as coconut oil, omega 3's, avocado and olive oils. 
Lots of green leafy veggies, a couple of mixed greens salads a day, some fruit, maybe one or two servings, perhaps in a smoothie, 
Clean protein - baked or broiled chicken or fish, Eggs, (pastured) Whey protein in a smoothie, Greek yogurt, handful of mixed nuts - make some great sources of protein.

We need lots of clean, purified water to hydrate:

Its sort of like a plant, looks droopy, saggy when it needs water, especially in this heat! So drink up! 

Coconut water is also an excellent hydrator. (not  to be confused with coconut milk) Loaded with potassium and electrolytes  I add about a 1/4 cup plain, unsweetened, coconut water to my water bottle daily. Has multiple health benefits. Great to way to optimize blood pressure too.


Prevent the "Raisin Look" with Oral Skincare!

Pycnogenol® Improves Visible Signs of Aging

A recent study finds Pycnogenol® is effective in improving visible signs of skin aging in women, aged 55–68 years.

The study, published in Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, found that after 12 weeks of supplementing with Pycnogenol®, women experienced improved skin hydration and elasticity. Results showed that Pycnogenol® significantly elevated collagen by an average of 29 percent and 41 percent for respective collagen type 1 proteins and increased hyaluronic acid production in skin by 44 percent. Skin elasticity also increased by 25 percent. Women taking Pycnogenol® also experienced decreased skin fatigue, reduced skin wrinkles and increased skin smoothness.

This study confirms previous findings that Pycnogenol® effectively improves skin conditions, including promoting glowing skin and reducing the appearance of over-pigmentation and skin inflammation.
Isotonix OPC-3® Beauty Blend
The OPC-3 Beauty Blend is a terrific formula that incorporates patented Pycnogenol® and hyaluronic acid in an Isotonix format!  A home run for plumping up skin, increasing collagen production and skin elasticity! A powder you mix with water & drink on empty stomach, gives up to 95% absorption!! Incredible product for the skin! 

I have been taking "Oral Skincare" / Isotonix OPC-3 Pycnogenol®  for over 13 years. It has made a huge difference in my overall skin appearance and feel.

Drink your skincare!

Helping you to Select The Best Health,


Friday, June 7, 2013

Stresssssed?? - May Need Some "Happy Vitamins"!

B Vitamins - "The Happy Vitamin"!

Low on energy? Stressssssed? You may very well be low on B Vitamins! B vitamins work in synergy with many functions of the body. B vitamins play a critical role in metabolism at the cellular level. We need B vitamins for hundreds of different biochemical reactions that occur in our body every day. If you’re vitamin B deficient, you could be experiencing fatigue, stress and lethargy.  (see the diagram below)  B vitamins are "water soluble", meaning they are not stored in the body, and must be replenished daily.

To add to the problem our uptake of B vitamins diminishes with age. Also many prescription drugs, (including birth control pills), caffeine, sugar and yes stress, destroy B vitamins. This is why as we get older some get "grumpier". Even the younger crowd, drinking "monstrous" drinks get, shall we say, moody.

Not All B Vitamin Supplements Are Created Equal:

So if you're feeling "stressssed", tired, run down, can't focus, you may be low on B Vitamins - The "Happy Vitamin". You can have your levels checked by a doctor to be certain. When you decide to supplement know that about 30% of the population can't take just any B vitamin supplement, it must be an "Activated" form, in order for the body to utilize it. You can "throw" all the B vitamins you want at someone that can't utilize it and it won't make a difference.

I had a genetic test years ago that showed I happen to be one of those folks. So unless you have a genetic test to let you know you must have an "Activated B complex" - just play it safe and take it in that form to begin with, for "good measure".
Isotonix® Activated B-Complex
Isotonix® Activated B-Complex has been specially formulated to deliver metabolically active forms of these vitamins and minerals. Translation: your body doesn't have to go through an extra step of converting the ingredients into a form that can be utilized by the body, so you get more bang for your buck!

Isotonix® Activated B-Complex packages everything up and delivers it to your body via an isotonic solution. For a substance to be absorbed by the body, it must be transported in an isotonic state. This means that there is less work for your body, and maximum absorption of B vitamins.

Helping You Select The Best Health,

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Price of Hurricanes - Preparedness

The Price of Coastal Living  

It's that time of year again - Hurricane Season! I have lived in the greater Houston area for about 40 years now, so I've seen some "weather conditions" that would make you "run for the hills", that's Texan for "evacuate".

When (not if) a Hurricane "hits" your area, at minimal they are a tremendous inconvenience and at worst devastating. The big thing after all the rain, winds and the aftermath of a tornadic atmosphere, is contending with power outages and rolling blackouts. Trying to "clean up" the debris, (chain saws are usually the only sound you hear), and stay sane in 100 to 110 degree "heat index" is a real "challenge", to say the least.

We have had 5 years of "quiet" here in the greater Houston area, as far as hurricanes go. Last year there were 19 "named storms", but thanks to a "HIGH PRESSURE SYSTEM" hovering over Texas most the season, driving the hurricanes away from us, we were able to breathe a sigh of relief. Other folks were not spared, such as Hurricane Sandy victims.

 2013 has 18+ predicted storms on the horizon. It's a brand new hurricane season. Whether you stay or evacuate, the price for coastal living is preparedness

Preparedness - (free checklist below)

So with all this history of "weather" the course of wisdom is to "be prepared".
What does that mean exactly? 
Guardian GDFSDK Food Storage Deluxe Survival Kit
  • Have a survival kit - food and water, meds, vitamins, instant coffee, etc...enough for several days. 
  • Have hard copies of "important papers" in plastic sealed bags. Have a "soft copy" (scan onto your computer and email it to yourself) for backup.
  • Put your "stuff" in waterproof containers or a cooler with wheels.

    Eton - American Red Cross FRX3 Hand Turbine AM/FM/NOAA Weather Radio
  • A NOAA capable radio - with battery backup, hand crank & solar panel rechargeable - There are several that can charge your cell phone on it as well. They are generally small enough to put in a backpack. 
  • Cash on hand - banks shut down & gas stations can't take your credit card - so fill up your tank & your wallet before the storm hits!! If you are "on the road" to evacuate, gas stations well outside of the area are affected. Either the pumps won't work or they can't take your credit or debit card, only accepting cash. Historically the price of gas goes "through the roof" during such an event.

  • Remember phone lines will be "jammed" - so best to text whoever it is you are trying to reach. You will have a better likelihood of getting through texting & use less battery power.

    Bliss Anti-Stress Formula
  • Bliss Anti - Stress - This product contains adaptogens that adapt to YOUR stress level. They are non addictive and work wonders at helping to stay calm and focused, especially helpful during a crisis. (speaking from personal experience)

It pays to pay attention and be prepared.

Helping you Select The Best Health,


Monday, June 3, 2013

"Flabby" Blood Vessels?

"Flabby" Blood Vessels?

Now you're probably thinking, "I know about flabby arms, belly, chin, but flabby blood vessels"?? Turns out as we age, our blood vessels can weaken over time.  They can become "fragile". This is a pretty serious thing, as blood vessels reach every nook and cranny of our bodies as an intricate system that helps make up the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system includes the heart and all of the blood vessels, (arteries, veins, and capillaries), that supply the body’s tissues with the nourishment and oxygen they need.

Is There a Pill For That?

There are no pharmaceutical medications that have been shown to strengthen blood vessels. But there is an abundance of nutrients and natural compounds that can help build stronger blood vessels!

Nutrient dense fruits and veggies, such as cruciferous family, like broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage can help to protect and strengthen blood vessels. Also shallots, garlic and onion. Or from a fruit perspective, blueberry, raspberries and blackberries. All have terrific nutrients to "beef up" flabby blood vessels.


One tasty way to add healthy flavonoids that are known to promote healthy blood vessel function is to eat a few squares of dark chocolate a day. Dark chocolate containing a ratio of 70 percent or more of cocoa is high in the flavonoids procyanidins, catechin, and epicatechin — all 
recognized powerful blood vessel-strengthening compounds.
I LOVE the 90% cocoa bar, very little sugar, high in fiber & has a wonderful rich flavor. 

Can You Say Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins?

Ok how about a shortened form of the words - OPC's. OPC's are a family of bioflavonoids that work together as powerful anti-oxidants, neutralizing free radicals. They are naturally occurring in fruits, veggies, red wine, grape seeds and pine bark. It's what gives rich colors to plants, like the blue-violet red pigment in grape juice or red wine and pine bark. But the two main sources are the pine bark from the French maritime tree, called Pycnogenol® & grape seed extract of wine grapes.

OPC's can impact many areas of health. However, since we are talking about the cardiovascular system, OPC's can optimize: 
  • Blood pressure, soften blood vessels, strengthen the arteries & help to prevent thrombosis. (a type of blood platelet clot) Studies have shown that OPC's may prevent cardiovascular disease by counteracting the negative effects of high cholesterol on the heart and blood vessels.
  • What's more Pycnogenol® improves endothelial function.Vascular endothelial cells line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries. These cells have very distinct and unique functions that are paramount to vascular health.  A double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study with coronary artery disease patients showed that Pycnogenol® significantly improved endothelial function, whereas no effect was found with placebo.
There are around 200 studies regarding Pycnogenol® and it's positive effects on over 66 conditions. 
Isotonix® OPC-3®

I've personally been taking OPC's for over 13 years now. They have impacted my health in a very positive way. I take it in an isotonic form, OPC3,  a powder that is mixed with an exact amount of water and drink on an empty stomach for up to 95% absorption rate. So I guess you could say I have been giving my cardiovascular system a "workout" for quite a while. So no flabby blood vessels here!

Now I just need to convince my upper arms to follow suit. LOL!

Helping You to Select The Best Health,
